Woodgrove Division

Dear Residents & Friends,
Woodgrove, one of the four divisions within the Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC, turned 10 in 2021. With vibrancy and enthusiasm as part of its fabric, as reflected in its “leafy” logo, the division aims to push ahead with new initiatives.
“G.E.L” is our plan to move our Woodgrove division forward. G.E.L is short for Green Living Initiatives, Embracing Parenthood and finally, Law awareness. I would like to champion these with you.
“G” is about going green and having a more sustainable environment in our neighbourhood. Hence, we will move forward with various sustainability efforts.
“E” is about Embracing Parenthood. This entails organising activities to support parents with young children and helping them achieve their aspirations and promoting multi-generational bonding in the community.
“L” is about creating greater awareness for the Law with the aim of enriching residents’ legal knowledge and rights.
Woodgrove looks forward to more residents coming on board to embrace these core directions and sharing these with the broader Marsiling-Yew Tee and Singaporean community.

Dear Residents & Friends,
Woodgrove, one of the four divisions within the Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC, turned 10 in 2021. With vibrancy and enthusiasm as part of its fabric, as reflected in its “leafy” logo, the division aims to push ahead with new initiatives.
“G.E.L” is our plan to move our Woodgrove division forward. G.E.L is short for Green Living Initiatives, Embracing Parenthood and finally, Law awareness. I would like to champion these with you.
“G” is about going green and having a more sustainable environment in our neighbourhood. Hence, we will move forward with various sustainability efforts.
“E” is about Embracing Parenthood. This entails organising activities to support parents with young children and helping them achieve their aspirations and promoting multi-generational bonding in the community.
“L” is about creating greater awareness for the Law with the aim of enriching residents’ legal knowledge and rights.
Woodgrove looks forward to more residents coming on board to embrace these core directions and sharing these with the broader Marsiling-Yew Tee and Singaporean community.

Repair & Redecorations
Repair & Redecorations (R&R) works such as repainting of the external façade of the blocks and internal common areas, upgrading of the refuse chutes, re-screeding of the common corridor walkways and etc. are part of cyclical works carried out by the Town Council to keep the estate in good condition. a. Ongoing at Block 401 to 437 Woodlands Street 41, Zone 9 – Estimated Completion: 2nd Quarter 2022 b. Ongoing at Block 886A to 887C Woodlands Drive 50, Zone 4 – Estimated Completion: 1st Quarter 2022 c. Ongoing at Block 509 to 526 Woodlands Drive 14, Zone 1: Estimated Completion: 3rd Quarter 2022 d. Upcoming at Block 501 to 508 Woodlands Drive 14, 527 to 536 Woodlands Drive 14, 569A to 572B Woodlands Ave 1 – Estimated Commencement: 1st Quarter 2022Neighbourhood Renewal Programme
Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) include works such as construction of drop off points, upgrading of recreational facilities, and construction of covered linkways for connectivity, etc. a. Ongoing at Block 401 to 437 Woodlands Street 41, Zone 9: Estimated Completion: 2nd Quarter 2022 b. Upcoming at Block 351 to 371 Woodlands Avenue 1, Zone 8 (Public Consultation Stage) c. Upcoming at Block 891A to 899C Woodlands Drive 50, Zone 5 and 6 (Public Consultation Stage)Explore Woodgrove

Blks 501-508 & 527-536 (Zone 2)
Blks 886A-890C (Zone 3)
Blks 569A-572B (Zone 4)
Blks 891A-894D (Zone 5)
Blks 321-326 & 336-350 (Zone 7)
Blks 351-371 (Zone 8)
Blks 401-421, 424-429 & 436-437 (Zone 9)
Blks 301-320 & 327-335

Woodgrove Initiatives
Accessibility & Connectivity
A quick guide on how the new Woodlands Integrated Transport Hub (or ‘WITH’ in short) benefits Woodgrove residents.
Tour around Woodgrove Zone 8 to see the upcoming development plan for the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) – Covered Linkways, drop-off porches etc.
Creating Green Lifestyle Opportunities
Woodgrove has a growing number of community gardens and, there are now 10 such gardens across the division. The division aspires to do more to create a more sustainable environment. These are lovely green spaces in the heart of the hustle and bustle of fast growing Woodgrove, part of the edible horticulture masterplan.
Within these gardens, residents take their passions further by planting a variety of greens and fruits. As their collaborative efforts come to bear. they share and consume the fruits of their harvest as a community.
Residents are encouraged to meet and work together in harmony at these community gardens. Apart from the diversity of plants and wildlife, there is a cosy spot for relaxation. This is Woodgrove’s commitment to keeping a green, sustainable environment.
Further on sustainability, Woodgrove is also emerging as a budding hub for recycling. Woodgrove residents are encouraged to make use of e-waste recycling programmes at designated and convenient points to undertake recycling reusable waste.
Residents now have three options.
First, there is the option of active recycling, which breaks away from the current recycling practices. In this instance, green volunteers share with residents on the importance of reducing and reusing; and how to recycle and what to recycle. This takes place at Blocks 891A-894D and Blocks 321-326 & 336-350
Second, e-waste recycling has become convenient through the partnership with the ALBA Group. Depositing rechargeable or lithium-Ion batteries and information communications technologies equipment is now easily available at the likes of Fuchun and Woodgrove CC.
Third, the collaboration with SGRecycle has now made it possible for residents to dispose waste paper in convenient trash bins and in return, get rewarded for their efforts.
Locations of SGRecycle machines in Woodgrove:
i) Blk 306A Woodlands Street 31 Singapore 731306
ii) Blk 887C Woodlands Drive 50 Singapore 733887
RC Zone | Blk/Street Name | Dimension |
1 | Blk 511 Woodlands Drive 14 |
34.8m x 10.8m |
Blk 521 Woodlands Drive 14 |
26m x 18m | |
4 | Blk 571B Champions Court Woodlands Ave 1 |
10m x 8m |
5 | Blk 892A Woodlands Drive 50 |
6m x 7m |
6 | Blk 899A Woodlands Drive 50 |
26m x 8m |
7 | Blk 338 Woodlands Ave 1 |
10m x 14m | Blk 340 Woodlands Ave 1 |
Work in Progress |
8 | Blk 358A Woodlands Ave 5 |
32m x 20m |
Blk 363 Woodlands Ave 5 |
Work in Progress | |
Blk 364 Woodlands Ave 5 |
10.2m x 10.2m | |
10 | Blk 310 Woodlands St 31 |
14.2m x 5.3m |
Blk 319 Woodlands St 31 |
8.4m x 4.8m |

Raising Legal Awareness
Raising law awareness is one of the key areas which will take increasing importance in Woodgrove. Topics like the lasting power of attorney, estate planning, employment law, and especially, family law have become increasingly relevant in the pandemic era.
The goal is to empower Woodgrove residents with better knowledge of their legal rights and the various avenues where they can seek help.
One of the most accessible channels is the legal clinic at the Woodlands Civic Centre, which is home to the North West Community Development Council. Facilities and services here offer a convenient one-stop location for residents and members of the public, to enjoy the use of various government-linked services offered by HDB Woodlands Branch, CPF Board, North-West CDC, Ministry of Social & Family Development, Workforce Singapore Agency, and Woodlands Regional Library.
Residents can make appointments with the legal clinic and bring all relevant personal documents to the session to help the lawyer to best understand and advise on their situation.
There is also legal advice being offered under the auspices of M³, a collaboration partner within Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC. Through this collaboration, this legal clinic can refer cases relating to syariah law to a special panel of Muslim lawyers, apart from other matters relating to family disputes, matrimonial problems, and division of property. Applicants have the option to meet either a Muslim or non-Muslim volunteer lawyer.
Collectively, the goal is to improve legal literacy and awareness in the community and help the underprivileged to better access legal services.
Recycling for Sustainability
Our Sustainability Champion Hany Soh shares about the Town Council’s green living efforts.

Staying focussed on sustainability, Woodgrove is emerging as a budding hub for recycling. Woodgrove residents are encouraged to make use of e-waste recycling programmes at designated and convenient points to undertake recycling reusable waste. Residents now have three options.
First, there is the option of active recycling, which breaks away from the current recycling practices. In this instance, green volunteers share with residents on the importance of reducing and reusing; and how to recycle and what to recycle. This takes place at Woodgrove Zones 5 and 7 RC.
Second, e-waste recycling has become convenient through the partnership with the ALBA Group. Depositing rechargeable or lithium-Ion batteries and ICT is now easily available at the likes of Fuchun and Woodgrove CC.
Third, the collaboration with SGRecycle has now made it possible for residents to dispose waste paper in convenient trash bins and in return, get rewarded for their efforts.
Meets your Educational Needs
Education is the key to opening doors to the future and Woodgrove understands. An equally important dimension is the community collaboration between Woodgrove and a host of schools reaching across the spectrum – from pre-schools to specialised education institutions.
Further, these educational institutions collaborate actively in outreach efforts to inculcate a sense of community spirit within our next generation leaders.
In this context, there are a growing number of pre-schools, five primary schools, one secondary school, a national sports institution and an international school to cater to the needs of the community, where many work closely with Woodgrove in community programmes.
On the journey of educating the young, recognising and rewarding students are important steps. In this regard, Woodgrove has given out close to 8,000 Edusave Awards in the past three years, and the awards have been a recognition of the hard work of the students in their academic studies.
Every year, Edusave Awards are given to students from primary, secondary, junior college, and tertiary level students from both the polytechnics and universities. This on-going effort will continue to motivate and spur students to give their best shot at school and be eligible for the awards in Woodgrove.

Annual Halloween Gathering

A maiden Woodgrove Halloween Night took place on 31 October 2018 at the Open Field along Woodgrove Avenue opposite The Woodgrove Condominium. In that inaugural event, more than 3.000 residents dressed to spook. That inaugural effort was led by the Woodgrove Citizens’ Consultative Committee and supported by Woodgrove NC, Woodgrove Grassroots Organisations and Community Partners.
The event’s success, opened for the gateway of collaboration with community partner Singapore American School (SAS). The SAS assisted with the setup of an entire haunted house from scratch at the open field in 2019 and it became an instant hit among residents.
During the pandemic, Halloween Night transitioned towards a virtual celebration and over 2,000 residents joined Woodgrove via Facebook Live for the shows in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Along with SAS, Woodgrove also collaborated with two other community partners, Phyllis’ Riccia School, and Woodlands Primary School to put up performances to entertain the residents.
The objective of Woodgrove Halloween Night, which has now become an annual affair in the division on 31 October every year, is to bring residents and families together for a fun evening and to add in local flavours to the western festival.
Engaging Woodgrove Residents through e-Town Halls
With the Covid-19 pandemic still persisting in the community, Woodgrove moved to commence e-town Hall discussions with residents in 2021. These are organised along general (or specifically called municipal) matters and along family and community-centric themes.
In taking a more pro-active approach in tackling municipal matters, the Woodgrove Constituency Office partners a host of public service agencies to address the concerns of residents on a periodic basis. These matters can relate to water and electricity supplies, area cleanliness, among other matters.
Through these meetings, the agency partners which are subject-matter experts and as well as authorities are best positioned to provide advice. Some of these major agency partners include HDB, LTA, NEA and SPF.
On family and community-centric themes, information is now becoming easily available from experts in areas such as managing mental wellness, coping with special disabilities like autism, among other areas. In the absence of seeking professional advice on a one-to-one basis, Woodgrove families are able to grasp these matters in a more accessible manner.
Residents have welcomed such moves as they are able to easily gain knowledge and update themselves on on-going trends.

Community Spaces

Residents are never too far away from a place of worship.
For Christians, the Church of St. Anthony is located at 25 Woodlands Ave 1, Singapore 739064 and it offers a range of services from weekdays to weekends.
For Muslims, Woodgrove residents can take a short hop to Masjid An-Nur, located at 6 Admiralty Rd, Singapore 739983, and Masjid Yusof Ishak, located at 10 Woodlands Dr 17, Singapore 737740, for services.
From The Community, For The Community

Halloween emerged to be one of Woodgrove’s signature event
“Community” is at the heart of what Woodgrove does and initiatives. In this regard, activities are planned periodically to reach out a cross section of the Woodgrove community as part of its inclusive approach, from the needy, small hawker businesses, the sick, gig workers to the large community.
Today, Woodgrove has more than 40 community partners working to touch all corners of the division.
Woodgrove Cares & Shares
Care Packs distribution exercises have been common as part of the outreach to delivery riders to show support for them braving the front lines during the pandemic, to rental block residents in the neighbourhood, and seniors living alone or in studio apartments.
In addition, every year, Woodgrove collaborates to give out food vouchers aimed to defray some of the meal costs when breaking fast.
Food is at heart of our community and Foodgrove (foodgrove.sg) was conceptualised to bring residents closer to Woodgrove hawkers, giving the support they need during the pandemic. This dedicated website was set up to help Woodgrove hawkers and stalls in coffeeshops and standalone stalls to promote their business. Its value became more evident in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. It also serves as a directory for residents to search for good food.
Getting together during festival occasions and specially curated events is also part of the Woodgrove DNA. There is much to celebrate during the Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali and Christmas occasion and residents and grassroot leaders take the opportunity to celebrate.
Bringing The Community Together At Halloween For Fun
One programme unique to Woodgrove is its – now annual – Woodgrove Halloween Night. First initiated on 31 October 2018 at the Open Field along Woodgrove Avenue opposite The Woodgrove Condominium, that event drew more than 3.000 residents dressed to spook.
The event’s success, opened for the gateway of collaboration with community partner Singapore American School (SAS). The SAS assisted with the setup of an entire haunted house from scratch at the open field in 2019 and it became an instant hit among residents.
During the pandemic, Halloween Night transitioned towards a virtual celebration and over 2,000 residents joined Woodgrove via Facebook Live for the shows in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Along with SAS, Woodgrove also collaborated with two other community partners, Phyllis’ Riccia School, and Woodlands Primary School to put up performances to entertain the residents.
Looking ahead into 2022, Woodgrove will launch a new “Project Belanja” in partnership with a corporate sponsor, to provide hot meals for redemption for welfare/needy residents. More details coming soon.