About Us
MYTTC was formed on 1 October 2015, following the electorate boundary change after the General Elections held on 11 September 2015.
The town council manages and maintains the common properties of 50,126 HDB residential flats, 164 market stalls and 461 commercial properties in MYT GRC since formally commencing operations on 1 December 2015.
MYT GRC comprises of four divisions, namely Limbang, Yew Tee, Marsiling and Woodgrove

Appointment Holder
Mr Alex Yam Ziming
Mr Alex Yam Ziming
Ms Hany Soh Hui Bin
Ms Hany Soh Hui Bin
Mr Lawrence Wong
Mr Zaqy Mohamad
Mr Alex Yam Ziming
Ms Hany Soh Hui Bin
Mr Lawrence Wong
Mr Zaqy Mohamad
Mr Alex Yam Ziming
Ms Hany Soh Hui Bin
Mr Lim Tai Sun
Mr Lim Tai Sun
Deputy Director
Mr Ang Chuan Seng
Deputy Director
Mr Ang Chuan Seng
Deputy Director
Mr Wilson Tay Han Wee
Deputy Director
Mr Wilson Tay Han Wee
General Manager
Mr Wee Keng Boon
General Manager
Mr Wee Keng Boon
Deputy General Manager
Ms Tan Ying Ting, Michelle
Deputy General Manager
Ms Tan Ying Ting, Michelle
Senior Finance & Admin Manager
Ms Tan Hwee Imm
Senior Finance & Admin Manager
Ms Tan Hwee Imm
Finance & Admin Manager
Ms Joanne Lee Hui Teng
Finance & Admin Manager
Ms Joanne Lee Hui Teng
Faces of MYTTC
Our MPs

Minister for Finance
MP For Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC (Limbang)

MP For Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC (Marsiling)

MP For Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC
(Yew Tee)
Chairman of Marsiling-
Yew Tee Town Council

Vice-Chairman of Marsiling-Yew Tee Town Council
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Community Improvement Project Committee
Communications and Service Quality Committee
Estate Amenities Committee
Finance Committee
Tenders and Contracts Committee
Honorary Legal Counsel
We are updating the information to serve you better.
Thank you for your understanding.
PDPA Policy
The Town Council’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data are described in its Personal Data Protection Policy, a copy of which is available at the Town Council office and accessible online here. Please note that, by using the Town Council’s services, you signify that you have read, understood and agreed to relevant portions of the Policy.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at:
Marsiling-Yew Tee Town Council
Tel: 6430 7800
E-mail: feedback@myttc.org.sg
Whistle Blowing Policy
Marsiling-Yew Tee Town Council (MYTTC) is committed providing a framework and direct communication channel for all stakeholders to the Town Council Chairman/ Vice Chairman or Town Council Secretary so as to promote responsible and secure whistleblowing without fear of reprisal.
The implementation of the Whistle-Blowing Policy underpins MYTTC’s efforts towards upholding its stance of zero tolerance against detrimental action and improper conduct which may cause financial or non-financial loss to MYTTC or damage to MYTTC’s reputation.